Zoo-Med ReptiSun 5.0 UVB 48in (36W)

Sale price£25.19
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The Zoo-Med ReptiSun 5.0 UVB 48in (36W) is a high-quality fluorescent bulb specifically designed to provide optimal UVB lighting for reptile habitats. Measuring 48 inches in length and with a power output of 36 watts, it's well-suited for larger enclosures. The ReptiSun 5.0 emits UVB rays at 5%, which are crucial for promoting the synthesis of Vitamin D3 in reptiles, aiding in calcium absorption and overall health. This level of UVB is ideal for species that are native to environments with moderate UVB exposure. Its size ensures a wide coverage of UVB light across the terrarium, creating a natural and healthy environment for a variety of reptilian species. This bulb is particularly beneficial for preventing metabolic bone disease and supporting the overall wellbeing of your reptile pets.

The award winning industry standard UVB lamp for reptiles. A full 5% UVB output allows vitamin D3 synthesis to occur naturally, preventing or reversing MBD and other health problems in turtles and tortoises, Bearded Dragons, Iguanas, and all other diurnal reptiles. The ReptiSun 5.0 is effective for UVB induced photo conversion of vitamin D3 in reptiles’ skin at distances up to 12”. Accept no substitutes; get the original reptile UVB lamp: Zoo Med’s ReptiSun 5.0

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