Snail - Turbo tectum

Sale price£2.99
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Astraea tectum
Care: Beginner
Diet: Algivorous
Light: Medium
Place of origin: Caribbean

The Turbo Tectum Snail, a small yet fascinating marine creature, is a popular choice in the aquarium hobby for its algae-eating capabilities and unique appearance. Known for their conical, spiraled shells that exhibit intricate patterns and varied colours, these snails add a decorative touch to any saltwater aquarium. Turbo Tectum Snails are particularly valued for their efficiency in grazing on algae, helping to keep the tank clean and free from unwanted growths. They are peaceful and non-intrusive, making them excellent tank mates for a variety of marine species. Ideal for community tanks, these snails are easy to care for, requiring stable water conditions and a supply of algae to thrive. In addition to their practical utility in maintaining the aquarium's cleanliness, Turbo Tectum Snails provide a natural and dynamic element to the aquatic environment, enhancing its biodiversity and visual appeal.

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