Skunk Tile Fish

Sale price£75.00
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Skunk Tile Fish.

The Skunk Tilefish originates from the deeper rubble zones of the Indo-Pacific, and is usually encountered swimming in pairs. They have an elongated, white body with a very striking red line that follows the lateral line of the fish. The body, fins and eyes also have a slight blue tint that further adds to the appeal of this species. It is a peaceful fish that will make a beautiful addition to any community aquarium.

It requires a 50-gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of swimming room, and at least 3 inches of a sandy substrate for burrowing. They prefer to be in pairs, and this will also aid in this species becoming comfortable in their new surroundings. The Skunk Tilefish is also an excellent jumper, so a tight fitting canopy is a must.

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