Reef Invertebrates Essential Guide Selection Care & Compatability. An essential guide to selection, care and compatibility of Reef Invertebrates.
A heathy reef aquarium hosts much more than just corals and fish. This book explores the broad variety of invertebrate organisms that reef aquarists often keep.
This book covers the following:
- Crustaceans: crabs, shrimps, lobsters and zooplankton.
- Giant Clams: Tridacna and Hippopus.
- Other Mollusks: oysters, scallops, snails and nudibranchs.
- Echinoderms: starfish, sand dollars, urchins and cucumbers.
- Worms: featherdusters, fanworms, bristleworms and flatworms.
- Sponges: sea squirts and tunicates.
- Algaes: refugiums, live rock and sand.