The REEFER G2+ series of reef-ready aquarium systems comes in a huge variety of sizes, includes top-of-the- line infrastructure, filtration, water management and the ReefATO+ system, and is designed to allow hobbyists complete freedom of choice to use all their preferred or existing hardware.
- The ReefATO+ included- an exceptionally reliable auto top-off system combined with a temperature monitor and external leak detector.
- ReefMat ready sump that has a pull-out filter-sock / media-cup compartment and a universal connector on the downpipe, for a truly Plug and Play ReefMat installation.
- The marine-spec cabinets are extra fortified with all models being made from plywood. Reefers 625 and above all have an aluminium support under the signature protruding front of the tank.
- All systems come with 3y warranty as standard and a highly affordable 5y extended warranty.
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