NYOS® CORAL NECTAR is a well-formulated nutrient solution that prevents specifically deficiencies and degeneration of corals and filter feeders.
After some time, a degeneration of numerous corals can occur frequently even in well-established aquariums: Loss of tissue on the base of SPS, shrinking of discosomas such as ricordeas or a reduction in zoanthus colonies. The lack of supplements and a subsequent malnutrition could be identified as the cause. NYOS® CORAL NECTAR provides specifically these supplements.
The advantages at a glance:
- Nutrients from planktons and vitamin solutions for hard and soft corals, gorgonias, molluscs, sponges etc.
- Prevents specifically deficiencies and degeneration of corals and filter-feeders
- Thereby improves colour, growth, and polyp image of corals through nutrition close to nature
- Does not contain any harmful chelators or chemical additiv