Marine Betta

Sale price£159.00
In stock


Calloplesiops altivelis
Care: Intermediate
Diet: Carnivorous
Light: Medium
Place of origin: Western Pacific
Temperature: Tropical: 23-27 deg C (73-81 deg F)
Water Parameters: SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4

Marine Betta - Widespread tropical Indo-West Pacific and Red Sea. Coastal to outer reef habitats, typically in the black of far reaching crevices. Depth range 3-50m, depending on locality. In sheltered localities often shallow. Readily identified by its shape and colour. Looks black with white spots when seen in caves. Spots vary in size, usually becoming more numerous and proportionally smaller with age. Can reach 16cm in total length, but usually to 12cm.


8 cm.

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