Zoo-Med T5HO ReptiSun 5.0 86cm, 39w

Sale price£29.89
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The Zoo-Med T5HO ReptiSun 5.0, measuring 86cm and 39W, is a high-quality fluorescent bulb designed specifically for reptile enclosures. This specialised lighting solution provides a significant output of UVB light, essential for the health and well-being of reptiles. The UVB radiation emitted by the ReptiSun 5.0 aids in the synthesis of vitamin D3, crucial for calcium metabolism and overall health, particularly in preventing metabolic bone disease. With its 5.0 UVB rating, it's perfectly suited for tropical species, simulating their natural sunlight environment. The T5HO (High Output) technology ensures bright and efficient lighting, covering a broader area in the terrarium. This bulb's 86cm length and 39W power make it suitable for a wide range of terrarium sizes, offering an ideal solution for reptile enthusiasts who want to provide their pets with a naturalistic and healthy habitat.

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