Synodontis petricola

Sale price£19.99
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Synodontis are catfish that are native to the rivers and lakes of Africa. They can be an ideal choice as a durable and attractive bottom scavenger. They can be kept singly or with other catfish of their own genus, providing they have plenty of space. 

They are not difficult to keep in a well maintained environment and will get along with other fish in a large community aquarium. Caution is advised if stocking with more passive Corydoras or similar bottom dwellers. 

Species – Synodontis Petricola

Current Size – 2cm

Adult Length – 10cm.

Temperature Range – 22 - 29°C

pH Range – 6.5 – 7.8

Special Requirements - They like to dig and they can be susceptible to high nitrate.

They are resilient and can stand up to fairly boisterous tank mates. They are ideal with rift lake cichlids or similar.

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